Death Valley National Park is the lowest elevation point in North America and home to some of the most unique landscapes that you will ever see. Experiencing this place truly feels like you are taking a voyage to another planet!
The Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes is where the mountains and the sand collide. It was on the top of my list to go! I had a styled shoot in mind that I really wanted to execute and capture here. I bought this red dress specifically because I wanted to create a lot of effortless movements in my pictures (it’s super affordable too). My boyfriend and I started shooting around 9 am and even then we had to walk pretty far to get to the fresh sand dune spots without any footprints. Also, you can’t tell in these pictures but I was silently crying on the inside. It was actually quite freezing here in mid-February (at least in the morning) and also very very windy. But regardless, I’m happy with how the images turned out. My absolute favorite picture of all time was taken down below by my brother. <3 My boyfriend didn’t want me to post it…but it’s my blog and I’m the editor-in-chief sooooo I do what I want. 🙂 Lol, anyway thanks so much for stopping by, and have a great weekend y’all! More content to come! ~b